The Atlantic Sex Show is dedicated to providing a supportive, safe, harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, or religion (or lack thereof).
Last updated: November 13, 2023
By attending the Atlantic Sex Show you are agreeing to act in accordance with these policies. Any act against these policies will result in immediate response and penalties. For more information, see Response to Non-Accordance with Policies below.
General Policies
The Atlantic Sex Show is not responsible for any personal items that are lost, stolen or go missing during the event. Wristbands are non-transferrable and non-refundable upon receiving them.
This event is strictly 19+ and it will be enforced upon entry due to liquor being served onsite and the nature of the event. Please drink responsibly. We reserve the right to remove anyone who has over consumed.
Safe(r) Space Policy
We use the word safe(r) to acknowledge that safety is relative: not everyone feels safe under the same conditions. We are committed to doing our best to provide as safe a space as possible throughout the weekend and have put supports in place to prevent and respond to concerns.
Consent Kitties will be present as Active Listeners throughout the weekend to respond to concerns with an open ear and trauma-informed support. They will be identifiable by light-up cat ears and will be clearly posted at the event. A focus of the weekend is on education and we aim to make it as safe a space as possible.
Consent Policy
We are a consent-focused group, which means that we believe in informed, enthusiastic consent. Do not touch people, their belongings, or make sexual comments about people without their consent.
If, after asking for consent, someone responds with “No,” another way of communicating ‘no’, or anything other than a clear “yes,” you are required to respect that and move on. If someone says “maybe later” please leave them alone and wait for them to approach you again, otherwise you can interpret their “maybe later” as a polite way of saying no. Other ways of saying “no” include (as examples): “I don’t think so,” “I’m not sure,” not answering/ignoring, or moving/pulling away. After being given, consent can be revoked at any time, and must be respected.
Performance does NOT equal consent. If you wish to speak to a performer, take their photo, record them, have physical contact or otherwise strike up a conversation, please make sure you do so respectfully and ask for permission first.
Photography of any kind also requires consent. Please see our Photography Policy for more information.
Harassment Policy
The Atlantic Sex Show is dedicated to providing a harassment-free and positive experience for everyone. Please be respectful of all guests, event participants, volunteers, and staff. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.
Harassment may include, but is not limited to, abusive behaviour and/or language that is: insulting, intimidating, overtly sexual, bothersome, or that promotes or encourages threats, embarrasses, or is hateful towards others.
Although this is a sexually-themed event, appropriate language is expected. Under no circumstances is it acceptable to speak to staff, vendors, entertainers, or patrons inappropriately. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. If you need advice on appropriate language, please reach out to a staff member to assist you.
If you experience harassment of any kind, please let our staff know. We are here to help.
Photography Policy
If you would like to take any photos or videos you must have express permission from anyone who may appear in the photo. This includes, but is not limited to, performers, panellists, staff, volunteers, and all entertainers.
You must have explicit permission from the panellists and workshop facilitators to take their photo or record during their session.
If you’d like to take a photo with another patron, you are required to ask them for permission first.
Dress Code
Dress code aligns with public decency laws in Nova Scotia and Canada. Lingerie, fetish outfits, costumes, harnesses, and other thoughtful outfits that abide by these laws are welcome in the vendor and mainstage area.
Outside of this space, streetwear is required out of respect for the public who are not participating in the weekend event.
Covid-19 Policy
The current Nova Scotia guidelines do not require patrons to wear masks, therefore we will not be enforcing the use of masks. We do however respect and support the decision to wear a mask at our event. To make this event safer for everyone, we are asking that you not attend if you feeling unwell, are Covid-19 positive or have had a close contact exposure within 7 days of the event.
Response to Non-Accordance with Policies
In the event that we witness behaviour not in accordance with these policies, our staff have the right to enact penalties, up to and including immediate removal from the event and the facility, and contacting local law enforcement if necessary.
Should you confide in a staff member, we will treat your disclosure with the strictest confidentiality. Your courage in coming forward can keep incidents from escalating or being repeated. As requested, we are happy to chat, mediate, facilitate taxis, contact local law enforcement, remove non-abiding patrons or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe. We value your attendance and your safety. We are also available outside of event hours to discuss any concerns.
If you have particular suggestions for us for this event, we are open for your input. If you have questions or concerns regarding this statement, please don’t hesitate to contact our coordinators at AtlanticSexShow@gmail.com